Respecting Employees, Workers, and Community

We respect human rights, particularly for our employees, workers, and local communities, because we believe maintaining harmonious relationships with all stakeholders is critical to our business's long-term viability.
As part of our commitment, we implement responsible employment practices. We ensure that there are no discriminatory practices in the employee recruitment process, strive to hire local workers in the company's operational areas, prohibit forced and child labor, set wages that meet or exceed regional minimum wages, provide employee benefits and bonuses based on company performance, and respect employees' rights to freely associate. We foster a safe and healthy work environment by providing appropriate health facilities in order to protect the health and safety of our employees and workers. An overview of information and statistics on our commitment to responsible employment practice can be found here.
We provide employees training and development programs aimed at improving their technical, leadership, and business skills. We ensure that everyone has equal possibilities for development, regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, social class, skin color, gender, or other physical conditions, as we embrace diversity and gender equality.
We also respect and protect the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities by avoiding from engaging in or contributing to unauthorized land use that could harm them. We support and follow all national land-use laws and regulations, in accordance with the UN's FPIC principles. At this time, we have had no tenurial disputes in our operational locations. The FPIC process flow and land conflict resolution can be found here.

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