
Community Economic Partnership Program: Rubber Fall at Islamic Boarding School

Kirana Megatara (KM) Group showed its support for community economic partnership program based on religion groups. As we know, Kirana Megatara (KM) Group participate on community economic partnership program formed by Ministry of Economic Coordinator Republic of Indonesia. This program have the same passion as Economic Justice Policy, that is to realize public security for all santri at Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia for enhancement quality of Human Resources (HR).


On February 2018, Sourcing Development Officer (SDO) KM Group together with PT. Triputra Agro Persada and Mr. Catur from Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) visited Al-Inayah & Al-Furqon Islamic Boarding School.  The purpose of the visit was to get closer to the boarding school that partnerships with company and to identify economic potential of rubber plantation owned by the boarding school.


Al-Inayah Islamic Boarding School located at Tebo – Jambi become the first destination. The islamic boarding school had 4 programs to increase the economic, such as rubber plantation, travel & tour, shop & retail, and bike shop. However, the biggest potential was found from rubber plantation, covering of ± 25 hectares with average rubber age was 8 years. The chairman of Al-Inayah KH Muhammad Rifai Abdullah said that the majority of boarding school in Jambi especially at Bungo & Tebo use rubber plantation to improve it economy. To develop economic potential of the rubber plantation, the boarding school cooperates with KM Group, in the form of direct purchase, cultivation technical training, and prepared of rubber seed for 1 year.


Next, team KM group continued to visit Al-Furqon Islamic Boarding School, located in Prabumulih – South Sumatra. This boarding school was also use ± 6 Hectares of rubber plantation to develop their economic potential and establish partnership with KM Group. Partnership between boarding school and company will also develop in rubber sales by involving teachers and communities around islamic boarding school who have rubber tree that will purchase by company.  KM Group also make internship program for santri that expected can make all santri have additional skills in rubber cultivation in order to support the economic partnership program. (Sourcing)