
Counseling and Distribution of Ant Acid at PT Kirana Sapta

Director of Operations PT. Kirana Sapta (Bambang Agus Purwanto) gave counseling related to clean Crumb Rubber to farmers in Sitampa Simatoras Village , Angkola Timur District, South Tapanuli Regency on April' 1 2023.
The event was attended by Mrs. Pebi from the Sembawa Rubber Research Institute and as speakers material on Handling Autumnal Disease Leaves (Pestalotiopsis) on Rubber. Moreover, Kirana Sapta SDO (Leno Agustono), SNV delegate (Ilahang) and the head of Sitampa Village. The event ended with the provision of ant acid assistance to farmers by the Director of Operations of PT. Kirana Sapta (Bambang Agus Purwanto). Hopefully this activity will provide many benefits for rubber farmers.