
“Fire Fighting Training” PT Komering Jaya Perdana – Commemorating the 2023 National K3 Month

Central Lampung - consist with the OHS Month which was held from 12 January to 12 February 2023, With the theme "Realization of Decent Work with an OHS Culture to Support Business Continuity in Every Workplace", PT Komering Jaya Perdana member of Kirana Megatra Tbk also enliven this OHS Month by holding a Fire Fighting Training.

This activity was attended by representatives of every sub-section with the purpose to be able to increase a detailed understanding of the functions, types and techniques of using APAR, to be able to practice the use of APAR to all employees in the form of a simulation of the correct method of extinguishing fire, according to procedures and maintaining a safe distance in the extinguishing process on light fires.

The implementation of OHS culture is the responsibility of all KJP personnel, with the purpose to prevent all potentials and risks in each work units. "We must be alert in carrying out our duties, if there is a source of fire that has the potential to cause a fire, we must move quickly to turn off the fire. If we don't understand the use of APAR then the problem won't be resolved quickly and precisely.” Said Arif Budi (Kasubsie Safety of PT Komering Jaya Perdana).
By holding the Safety Is the First Priority Commitment, PT Komering Jaya Perdana continues to strive to build a strong K3 culture in every sub-section.