
First Tapping of PT. Anugerah Alam Persada – Karet

One of Kirana Megatara (KM) Group business unit of plantation, PT. Anugerah Alam Persada (AAP) – Rubber do their first tapping at East Kalimantan. The first tapping was attended by Div. Head Plantation Tedi Noviandi together with all operational team from HO & Estate Manager. The event was opened by Estate Manager AAP – Karet Raulan Purba.


Raulan said, this first tapping momentum was the start for company to move and grow up. In that first tapping, PT. AAP – Karet tapping 146,86 ha of age TM rubber trees. Many preparations for first tapping was done since the last 6 months, such as tapping census’ activities, installation of tools, and training at TAP School for all tappers.


The acitivity continued with lunch together as inaguration of first tapping and tapping tools handover from Div. Head Plantation Tedi Noviandi to Raulan Purba. In opening speech, Tedi gave messages to all employees of PT. AAP – Rubber to always make teamwork as priority to become “the real winning team” and work smart so company can make excellence work. He hopes that PT. AAP – Rubber can be a good example from production to quality.


The event that attended by all employees run smoothly in simplicity. This year, company optimist to reach all target. To meet the target, company plans to add tapping’s area and use stimulant application. Good Luck AAP – Karet! (Rusnata)