
GENBA DIR.OPS PT Djambi Waras Jujuhan Collaboration With Quality Control

In the eyes of PT Djambi Waras Jujuhan, one of the largest crumb rubber companies, "product quality" is one of the spearheads in trade, since it serves as the key positioning tool for marketers.  As quoted from Kotler (2009), a product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, purchase, use or consumption that can satisfy a want or a need.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), some of the attributes that accompany and complement a product or its characteristics are as follows:

  1. Product Quality
  2. Packaging
  3. Brand

If the above order is a priority rank, then Product Quality should be considered as the core significance of all the attributes.  With this in mind, Nursadono, the Director of Operations who had the responsibility of running PT. Djambi Waras Jujuhan, together with his team led by Bambang Munajat as the Head of Quality Control, conducted a “Genba”  activity on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.  Genba is a form of working culture where management goes to the actual work site to get a better understanding of the problem or issue at hand.

Nursadono and Bambang Munajat went straight to inspect the line of production without any inhibition, to see for themselves on the product feasibility.  The purpose was to ensure maintenance of the quality before the product is being moved to the export warehouse area, and thereby maintaining the company's reputation.  One of the issues that had prompted the Genba was a claim against a previously delivered product.  The Quality Control team, which was under the auspices of Kirana Megatara, seemed to have conducted their normal Quality Assessment process.  Yet, they were strongly admonished and still needed to be reminded to emphasize no tolerance for sacrificing product quality.

Through random sampling, Nursadono picked out one pallet for inspection aided by Bambang Munajat's team.  He made a careful and meticulous examination, step by step, layer by layer, of every bale of SIR product on the pallet that was ready to be shipped out.  Any sample under examination was cut out from the mid-section of the bale, and was checked for contamination, White Spot, temperature, and weight.

Quality Control is one of the most important processes in a company for maintaining product quality.  This principle is firmly held by PT. Djambi Waras Jujuhan, "The quality of products to be exported must meet the customer’s standard of quality, and this is non-negotiable".