
Genba Mr Masahiro Nonami San and COPD Triputra Group to PT Djambi Waras Jambi

Thursday, March 31th 2022 at PT Djambi Waras Jambi, was visited by the Kirana Megatara Group Head Office (Mr. Erwin, Mr.Prawiro, Mr. Hermawan) and Mr. Masahiro Nonami san (COPD Triputra Executive Advisor) and accompanied by Mr. Indra Noor, Mr. Bambang, and Mr. Edy from COPD Triputa Group. A warm welcome came from Mr. Gunawan Syahputra Wijaya as the dirops with the managers boards and staff of PT Djambi Waras Jambi. The purpose of this activity is Genba for understanding flow of the production process related for 5R, safety, and improvement opportunity. The expectation of doing this activity is to get suggestions and views on optimization that can be done in existing production activities at PT Djambi Waras Jambi. Genba by Mr. Masahiro Nonami san and Team COPD Triputra carried out in all parts, starting from Reception Bokar, Milling, KGB, Workshop, Crumbing, Warehouse Finished Goods (GBJ) Laboratory, Materials and Environmental Warehouse PT Djambi Waras Jambi. Discussion of the results of the genba is very helpful for PT Djambi Waras in making improvements. Theories, advices, and solutions by Mr. Masahiro Nonami san both in discussions and during genba are very helpful, especially in 5R arrangement and Safety in factories. It is hoped that with a visit or Genba from Nonami san and the COPD Team for PT Djambi Waras it can change for the better in the future.