
Grand Event Judging Kirana Musi Persada Improvement Forum XVI

A grand event at PT Kirana Musi Persada is being held again, namely the Kirana Musi Persada Improvement Forum XVI  Year 2023 with the theme "Be consistenly creative and innovative to survive". This grand activity took place on 6,7 & 15 June 2023 at PT Kirana Musi Persada. This event has started since June 6 2023 through the Official Announcement of KMPIF. Then the committee formed the Jury Team which some time ago took part in the improvement judging training and after that on June 6 and 7 2022 a Field Assessment (genba) was held which was conducted by the Jury Team at each Circle of Convention participants. And then on June 15, 2022 an internal QCC convention of 21 Circle QCC and 2 PPS circles was immediately judged by Mr. Frans Kurniawan (Operational Director), Juan Wijaya Marbun (Factory Manager) and Ms. Lestari Manullang (Office Manager).