
Indonesia Independence Day's in Kirana Megatara

"The fun commemorating the 78th Independence of Indonesia felt by all Insan Kirana at the ""Kiranalympic 2023"" event." The event, held on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, is the culmination of the competition activities that have been followed by all the factories of Kirana Megatara Group. The competitions that were followed before the event include Mobile Legends, 17s Festivities, Hero Cosplay, and Kirana Idol. The summit was followed by all employees and management ranks of Kirana Megatara, although the peak of the fan is done online, but all Kirana people still follow the event with enthusiasm and extraordinary fan, ranging from event preparation, race execution, interesting quiz-quiz during the event, announcement of the winner of the race to the top event. “Winning and losing is common in life, back again how we as human beings and human beings can respond to it. Continue Mikaru For Indonesia Advanced” is a closing sentence of events that are so memorable, conveyed by our President Director, Mr. Martin. Sinarya.