
Ir. Musdhalifah Machmud Visited Jambi

January, 24 – 25, 2018 Deputy of Food and Agriculture Ministry of Economy Ir. Musdhalifah Machmud, MT visited Jambi. During the working visit, Musdhalifah and her team were accompanied by Sourcing Deputy Div. Head The Fan Kurniawan, Government Relation Div. Head Widyantoko Sumarlin, and Prof. Hermanto Siregar from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) to conduct further research on rubber.


On the first day, Musdhalifah Machmud visited the rubber market in Penerokan Village, Jambi. On that visit she answered question of rubber commodity prices that decreased year by year. She said the increase in rubber prices actually depends on the company that managed rubber in the world. "Currently there are some competing countries that are also ogled by the world's rubber company. If the quality of our rubber is low, the company will automatically switch to another country," she said. Musdalifah said, currently the government has been trying to manage rubber in the country. The government already review products that can be produced using rubber as a material. If the domestic industry is able to manage rubber into the finished product, then indirectly it also gives effect in price of rubber farmers. 


On that occasion, Musdalifah also met and talked with 15 farmers group (poktan) built by PT. Djambi Waras (DW) Jambi. The activity expected help Musalifah see the problem of rubber that happen in Indonesia and listen to rubber farmers’ expectation of government.


The next day, Musdalifah visited supplier warehouse that one of source BOKAR PT. Djambi Waras around Selincah. Then, Musdalifah concluded her visit by inviting farmers to produce quality rubber,  keeping the quality of rubber clean and not mixed with materials that could make the price of rubber farmers become low. (Red/another sources.)