
Kirana Megatara Independence Scholarship 2023

Kirana Megatara Group recognizes how important higher education in creating a future. Therefore, Kirana Megatara always consistently provides scholarships for employees' children with the goals of helping our employees' children achieve their academic. This program is part of our commitment to provide support to the families of our employees in their educational journey.
Every year, Kirana Megatara provides scholarships that can be used to help with educational costs, such as for university, high or junior school, and elementary school. This scholarship program not only helping financial burden on employees' families, but also to encourage high academic achievement and motivate the younger generation to pursue higher education.

This Scholarship Program was given in each factory on August 17 by factory management to participating the best students who have through the selection process. A selection team consisting of our company staff will carefully evaluate each application to ensure that the scholarship is awarded to the most deserving. Prospective recipients must fulfill the requirement, such as good academic performance, and dedication to education.
As time goes by, we hope that this scholarship program will continnualy to grow and have a benefical on employee families. We believe that investing in education is an investment in a better future, and we are proud to be able to contribute to the educational journey of the children of Kirana Megatara Group employees