
PT Bintang Agung Persada Management Holds 3M Training to Improve Operational Quality and Efficiency

Banyuasin, October 25, 2024 – In an effort to improve the effectiveness and quality of work in the company environment, PT Bintang Agung Persada held a training activity with the theme 3M (Muda, Mura, Muri). This training was held on Friday, October 25, 2024, and was attended by the heads of sections (kasie) and heads of subsections (kasubsie) in the company.



The activity, which aims to introduce the concept of work efficiency, was attended directly by the Operational Director of PT Bintang Agung Persada, Mr. Rikson Tambunan, who also opened the event with a motivating speech.



He emphasized the importance of 3M, namely Muda (preventing unnecessary things), Mura (avoiding excessive burdens), and Muri (avoiding uneven workload) in achieving a productive and efficient work environment.



This training also presented Mr. Jujuh Sopian, Factory Manager of PT Bintang Agung Persada, as the main speaker. He gave an in-depth explanation of the application of 3M principles in the factory environment, including techniques for identifying and eliminating waste in every stage of work.



"This activity is expected to provide new insights to section heads and sub-section heads to continue implementing efficient work practices so that company operations are more effective and free from various forms of waste," said Mr. Jujuh Sopian in the closing session.

This training ran smoothly and interactively, where participants were actively involved in discussions and shared experiences related to challenges faced in the field. With this training, PT Bintang Agung Persada hopes that participants can apply the 3M concept in their daily work routines to support the achievement of company targets sustainably.