
PT Kirana Musi Persada - First Dose of Covid-19 Vaccination in Collaboration with Balai Agung Health Center

Until now the Corona virus pandemic has not ended. In order to suppress the increasing number of cases, the Covid-19 vaccine has been administered. The government also recommends that everyone get vaccinated.

Vaccination or immunization aims to make a person's immune system able to recognize and quickly fight bacteria or viruses that cause infection. The goal to be achieved by giving the Covid-19 vaccine is to reduce morbidity and mortality due to this virus.

 Saturday, August 7, 2021 at the PT Kirana Musi Persada factory, carried out the first dose Covid-19 vaccine, specifically for employees and family members of company employees who had never vaccinated.

Mr. Frans Kurniawan (Director of Operations of PT Kirana Musi Persada) said this free vaccination was given to employees and family members of company employees at PT Kirana Musi Persada to protect them from the dangers of Covid-19 transmission.

"This employee vaccination program is our effort to provide protection for PT Kirana Musi Persada employees, as well as our commitment as a health sector industry player, to participate in the success of the government vaccination program and accelerate Herd Immunity with self-vaccination," explained dr.Zwesty Wisma Devi,MH .Kes (Head of Balai Agung Health Center).

PT Kirana Musi Persada always actively seeks to provide counseling and increase awareness and services for employees related to Covid-19, especially for those affected by the pandemic. Thank God, in the end, all of them were vaccinated and the 258 participants who attended, all of them were vaccinated without any problems,” said Pak Agustar Manza (Head of SHE) .