
Table Tennis Competition with Suppliers and Employees PT. Djambi Waras Jujuhan

PT. Djambi Waras Jujuhan held a table tennis tournament with the aim of strengthening relationships between suppliers and company employees. This tournament aims to embody the spirit of "Mens sana in corpore sano" or a healthy soul in a healthy body.

This competition took place at the Men's Singles Mess on Tuesday, May 12, 2023, and was attended by 22 participants, including suppliers and employees of PT. Djambi Sane Jujuhan. The suppliers who participated came from CV. Ksatria, Riki (Suparman), APIN, and others. Also participating in enlivening the event were Top management, such as Mr. Nursadono (Operations Director), Mr. Andrian (Purchasing Manager), and Mr. Alphared Gp (Office Manager).

The committee has prepared a number of prizes, including trophies, certificates, and coaching money for the winners. One of the competition participants from CV. Ksatria, Brother Fahrul, welcomed this activity because it provided additional enthusiasm in the midst of busy daily work. He also emphasized that this competition is an important means of establishing friendship and fostering a spirit of sportsmanship among participants.