

Convention 21: Improvement Contest PT. Kirana Megatara – Head Office

To increase awareness of Kirana Megatara’s head office employees towards improvement activities, Management Development Dept. of Kirana Megatara Grou...

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Initial Public Offering PT. Kirana Megatara Tbk

in order to realized plan to increase production capacity of natural rubber about 1 milion tons and improve the supply chain of production to be more effic...

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Sumitomo Rubber Suppliers Meeting 2017

 Kirana Megatara Group (KMG) received award at Sumitomo Rubber Suppliers Meeting 2017 which held at Grand Aston City Hall Medan – North Sumatera...

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Graduation of PAUD & Kinderganten Putra Katingan Pratama

Kirana Megatara Group juga berkomitmen untuk membangun kualitas pendidikan dan melahirkan generasi masa depan yang berpendidikan. Usaha itu diwujudkan mela...

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PT. Kirana Prima dan Gapoktan Berkah Tuah Mandiri Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

PT. Kirana Prima and Gapoktan Berkah Tuah Mandiri signed a Memprandum of Understanding (MoU) for BOKAR’s supply. In the signing ceremony Purchasing M...

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Training for Kirana Megatara Group’s Farmers

 Kirana Megatara Group thourgh the Sourcing & Seeding Division conducts training for company’s best farmers. The training that had in-class ...

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Performance Contract KM Group 2017

Mengawali 2017, all Kirana Megatara Executive Group, signed the Performance Contract 2017 which has become the guidelines for each unit to run the work pro...

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Inaguration of Bokar Institute & Factory Operation Development Program

 BOKAR Institute and Factory Operation Development Program are programs administered by the Purchasing Division, Factory Operation Division along with...

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August 17 Activities in the Factory

The Commemoration of the 72nd anniversary of Republic of Indonesia on 17 August had a significant meaning in Kirana Megatara Group. The event wa...

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