

Eid al-Adha at Kirana Windu

PT Kirana Windu, which is located in neighbourhood 13 , Rawas Ulu District, South Sumatra, always participates in donating sacrificial animal (cow) which w...

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Kirana Improvement Forum XII

On July 15th 2022, Kirana Megatara has once again celebrating the annual Kirana Improvement Forum. All the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the series of...

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Kirana Musi Persada Improvement Forum XV 2022

A grand event at PT Kirana Musi Persada was held again on 9 & 10 June 2022 , the namely is Kirana Musi Persada Improvement Forum XV 2022. The QCC inter...

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Kirana Megatara Achieved Greatest Victory in ICC OSH 2022

Indonesian Conference & Competition OSH (ICC OSH) is an event that demonstrates excellence in the implementation of the HSE Management System that is h...

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Orphans Donation in Al-Anshor Mosque as a PT Kirana Musi Persada's Social Care Activity

Friday, May/20/2022 PT Kirana Musi Persada represented by Mr. Patra Wijaya (Head of HRGA) and Mr. Muharom (Head of Subsiege General Affair) as management h...

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Kirana Megatara Collaborates With Goodyear in Supporting Farmers With Social Aid.

In the event of welcoming Eid Al-Fitr 2022 during the Ramadhan season, Kirana Megatara Group collaborated with Goodyear in organizing a joint CSR program w...

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Kartini And Ramadhan Manis

"Kartini on a Sweet Ramadan Day" was the theme of the gathering to commemorate Kartini day, that happened to  coincide with the blessed month of Ramad...

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Genba Mr Masahiro Nonami San and COPD Triputra Group to PT Djambi Waras Jambi

Thursday, March 31th 2022 at PT Djambi Waras Jambi, was visited by the Kirana Megatara Group Head Office (Mr. Erwin, Mr.Prawiro, Mr. Hermawan) a...

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PT Kirana Musi Persada - Corporate Forum MuBa League Tournament Assistance in the Sekayu Subdistrict

The Musi Banyuasin (MuBa) district held a MuBa League Corporate Forum (MCF) in the U-20 category, from all subdistricts in MuBa on the 7th of Fe...

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